Wednesday 27 February 2013

Planting Time!

So typical of England, once you choose to do something, the weather decides to get involved. We had a fair amount of snow durng January, and some bitterly cold days, but planting day did, eventually, happen!

The main view now looks like this, thanks to some great work by the happy gardener...

February 2013

February 2012
Feeding Station

So much better, though I admit there isn't much happening yet, and though there has been a feeding station up for a little while, I've not seen any feathered visitors yet.

Pretty pink catkins
We've added the main structural, permanent plantings, Rowan and Hazel trees, Buddleia, Pyracantha and Holly and some Clematis and Honeysuckle to climb on the trellises.

I shouldn't really pick favourites, but one of the trees that has been planted is a red Hazel that has lovely pink catkins. To be formal about it, Corylus avelana - Anny's Compact Red, though some nurseries seem to have it as Annie's Compact Red.

So, we're off - the next step will be some annuals, a splash of colour and maybe something edible for humans, as well as for the wild things.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

In The Beginning...

I think I'm about to start an adventure, so I thought I'd share... hope you enjoy the journey.

Once, a few years ago,this was CrystalWitch's garden...

June 2006

 After a some much needed work on the house and the fences, it looks like this:

January 2013
I know I agreed to it, but doesn't it look so sad?

However, the man in my life is a gardener and when he saw it, his eyes lit up. There was much muttering of the words 'blank canvass', 'good soil', and 'wildlife garden'! I've seen his place - if anyone can do it, he can, but this is a tiny urban space, and I haven't seen birds in it for years. 

We start armed with a copy of "Wild Life Gardening: A Practical Handbook" by Fran Hill, which is quite an old publication, but you can probably find it on Amazon, eBay or AbeBooks with a little digging. Updates will happen as the work happens... The first target is some planting and trying to get the birds back... 

One day I want to see and hear a robin singing - we might just manage it!